We advise on trying, buying & checking price, performance & compatibilities of smart devices, vendors & service providers, software packages & services before buying/leasing them, and a portal to locate marketplace services & providers who can help you choose, change, repair, supply consumables like batteries, replace, and/or transfer ownership of devices for smart home/office.

Modern smart homes & offices generate streams of data - contents, properties & usage details. Combining them produces new insights & about inter-connected, inter-dependent & continuously evolving knowledge streams. Transfer of knowledge across the streams is triggered & managed by knowledge flows actions like realtime knowledge extraction, mapping & encoding, refinement, knowledge fusion, knowledge archival/storage, sharing & publishing. We use these knowledge flows to extract practical insights on daily home/office routine.

  1. Device Portal/Marketplace: buy, lease or trade devices & consumables for smart home/office
  2. Device Installation & Setup: check device capabilities & recommend devices to help you in your daily routine.
  3. Device Ecosystem Discovery & Security Assessment: perform on-demand IoT device health & security diagnostics & defect/missing data investigations.
  4. Device Usage Optimization: advice on optimal use of your devices based on defined, learned or estimated routine, to cut costs, meet efficiency targets & keep your device data safe in a trusted environment.
  5. Device Market Services: devise a plan to schedule & perform regular device inspections, scans, consumables refilling, or inquiries about your devices.

Demo page contains an end-to-end demo of the main services listed above. In the sub-sections below, we provide also demo of the individual features - device portal, AI platform and virtual assistant. Please contact us by leaving a message in case you have questions for assistance or any suggestions for improvement.

For viewing the online demo, please use default guest credentials (`guest` username & authentication token).

For requesting more details or on-request demo of special features relevant for your situation, please drop us an e-mail at contact@knowledge-flows.com.

Market Services Portal for Smart Home & Office gadgets

More details» Demo DevicePortal 

Portal appliance & app that provides on-demand device scans (geo-location, network, video stream, 3D model construction) to produce an IoT device map, an inventory of discovered devices and their inferred capabilities and expected lifetime maintenance services, catalogue of IoT knowledge flows about smart devices: capabilities, provenance, usage, availability. This solution integrates device scanning services (radio-cartography of home/office, geolocation and 3D maps in supported locations, drone video footage, vulnerabilities scan) with the most popular home automation solutions.

Live data streams with device status, capabilities & tasks

More details» WhatsOnDevice Demo 

On-demand inquiries on device status & properties, private information flows discovery & assessment, device class or specifications retrieval from open data catalogues, device diagnostics, finding of similar/matching devices in the marketplace, investigative services on health status for validation, verification or Q&A/inquiries using open data and markeplace community.

Virtual assistant for interacting with device marketplace & ecosystem

More details» AIFluent Demo 

Interact with your smart device's virtual assistant to understand, access & link devices from your surrounding digital device ecosystem. Get advice on the device usage plan with lowest cost of ownership & best device contents and service. API for monitoring, alerting & fact checking, improving data, software & services for device provisioning/replacement/maintenance.

For general questions, comments, or if you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, please send an e-mail to info@knowledge-flows.com and we will e-mail you a brochure of the services provided by Knowledge Flows and instructions on how to try them out.

If you have questions or want to learn more details or schedule a live demo, please get in touch with us using the contact form below.
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